Thousands of trail users flock to the Redding area trails each year! 

Our trails are loved by everyone, but in order to stay well maintained they need the extra attention of someone special

Is that person you?

The Redding Trail Alliance

Adopt-A-Trail Program

Through the Adopt-A-Trail Program, individuals, families, and groups* can support maintenance on their favorite trails in the Redding region. As a potential trail adoptee you will be given a list of adoptable trails. We encourage you to spend as much time with each trail as you need, so you will know for sure that the trail you are adopting is a great fit for you and that you will be able to show that trail the love it needs.  Remember, all trails are different and will require their own special care.  We at RTA are here to help you through every step of the process.  If you have any specific questions about individual trails, we will do our best to answer them.   

After you have chosen your trail to adopt, Redding Trail Alliance and the Bureau of Land Management field office will make arrangements with you to get specialized training in how to best take care of your trail.  

Trail Adoption Responsibilities

  • Spending time with your trail and reporting any major damage or concerns via our trail reporting app. 

  • Lopping back brush that is encroaching on the trail

  • Weed-whacking sections of trail the get overgrown with tall grass

  • Cleaning out drains

  • Removing trail hazards

  • Working with RTA employees to rehab sections of trail tread as needed.  

Trail Adoption Benefits

  • Preservation of local trails!

  • Trailhead signage listing you or your groups name as the adoptee

  • Option to host volunteer trail day with friends, family and co-workers

  • Website listing and name association with the trail

  • Thousands of smiling and appreciative trail users

With your name out there as a trail adoptee your commitment to trail stewardship will be apparent to all who enjoy the trail you choose to adopt. 

Make your mark on local outdoor recreation and adopt a trail today!

This is a yearly renewable program and we ask that you consider a multi-year commitment.  The Adopt-A-Trail Program is operated under an agreement with the local Bureau of Land Management field office.  

To adopt-a-trail, email info@reddingtrailalliance or fill out the form below for more information. See list of adopted and available trails below. 

*We are not able to facilitate trail adoption using the name of for-profit businesses. 

Adopt-A-Trail Inquiry

Adopted & Available Trails


Cloverdale Loop - Thietje Family & Friends

Piety Hill Loop, North-South, East-West, and horse Town Connector - Thietje Family & Friends

Clear Creek Trail - Azra Coghill

HoneyBee - Eowyn and Rainier Thompson


Mary Lake Ditch - Trail & Bikeways Council of Greater Redding

Westside Traverse - Trail & Bikeways Council of Greater Redding

Rattlesnake - Durben Family

Upper Salt Creek - Jim & Carrie Dobbs

Lower Salt Creek - 530 Bike Club

Salt Creek Heights - Crummett Family

Trail 58 - Tuesday Night Rides

French Fry / Upper French Fry - Available for Adoption


Fisherman’s - Paul Lehman

FB Lower & Upper - Jon Schroeder & Family

Lower Sac Ditch - Bleach Family

Upper Sac Ditch - Available for Adoption

Flanagan to Upper Sac Ditch / Chamise Peak - Sue Lennon


Mule Ridge - Max Walter

Boheh Sas - Over The Hill Gang

Mule Mountain Summit Trail - Available for Adoption

Lower Sac Ditch - Bleach Family

Princess Ditch / Soggy Bottom / PD Access Trails - Available for Adoption

The Enticer - Available for Adoption

Owens Run - Knudsen Family

Snail Trail / Lower Snail - Available for Adoption

Cosmos Way - McCall Family

Escalator - Redding Composite MTB Team

Back Pocket - Available for Adoption

Terminator - James, Christine, & Tango Wang

Homesteader / Chonos Qewel - The Sundal & Muchow Families

Clear Creek Ditch Trail - Webb Family

Trap Door / Green Stone Trail - Available for Adoption

K’aysas - Available for Adoption

Meiners - Morris Family

Wintu Yemer - Available for Adoption

Igo - Available for Adoption

Ono - Available for Adoption

K’ulu:l - Available for Adoption soon!


T-Party - Timothy Araiza

Canyon Hollow - Dave Johnston

Canyon Holler - Redding Adventure Hub