Get Involved

Become a part of the Redding Trail Alliance community! By becoming a member today, you are not only gaining access to some amazing perks, but you will be able to have a direct influence and impact on the future of our trails.
Want to get your hands dirty? Sign up for our volunteer email list! We send out weekly updates outlining the week’s work, you can choose whether to join or not, just let us know if you plan on attending. We will also send out reminders about our first Saturday of the Month volunteer days. Just email us at info@reddingtrailalliance.org or drop us a line via the contact form at the bottom of this page and we will get you on the list.
Adopt a Trail
Take personal pride in adopting one of our many local trails that need year round love. With over 200 miles to keep open and usable, we need the community to come together and show the trails they love to use some good old TLC. To find out more visit out adopt a trail page.
Trail Issue Reporting App
Thanks to the City of Redding and their amazing GIS department, we are able have trail issue reporting tool right at our finger tips! Help us keep track of what and where there are issues with our trails that need addressed by us or the appropriate land manager.
Visit our trail reporting page to find out how to download and use the app.
Our continued existence relies on the generosity of individuals like you. You can choose to make a one time tax deductible donation or a small reoccurring monthly donation.
Donate with Paypal…
Sponsors & Partners
See the logos below? Those are super cool agencies, business and people who have taken their support to the next level. Do you love our trails and have a business that is interested in becoming an annual corporate sponsor? Or do you have a service or other resource you could offer us to become a partner? We would love to hear from you!
Contact us.
(530) 515-0908
3335 Placer Street
Suite 389
Redding, CA 96001