Photo by Brent Van Auken
Tiangou Trot
May 11th, 2024
“Dogs never bite me. Just humans.” – Marilyn Monroe
As avid lovers of all things outdoors we understand how special it is to share that solace with our furbabies. Which is why we thought it would be pretty darn cool to run a race with them. Introducing the Tiangou Trot: our 4-mile, dog friendly trail race!
And as much as we can relate to Marilyn’s sentiment above, we do want to stress that any dogs participating in this event should be friendly and comfortable with people, children, other dogs, mountain bikers, horses, and under your control at all times. This race is being held on trails within Swasey Recreation Area that are multi-use and participants will likely come across other trail users during the event. All canine participants are required to be on a static, non-retractible leash and provide proof of a current rabies vaccine.
We appreciate your cooperation with above as it helps us help you to have an awesome race to participate in with your BFF year after year.
Costumes encouraged and there will be prizes!
The planned race course is a semi-challenging 4.3 mile run that involves elevation gain and navigating rocky terrain. Should the temperature on race day call for 85 degrees we will pivot to course route #2 that has less sun exposure and is much easier to navigate.
Packet Pickup - 7:30am
Mandatory Racer’s Meeting - 8:15am
Race Starts - 8:30am
Watch for your racer’s email the week of the race. This will cover general reminders as well as any updates and changes to the event.
Questions? Email TiangouTrot@gmail.com
Course & Schedule
Starting from the lower Swasey Parking Area, runners will head through the yellow gate and up the fire road and then turn right onto Wintu Yemen Trail. You will follow this trail up some fairly steep switchbacks and then enjoy a traverse over to the top of Owen’s Run. You will run down Owen’s run, turn right onto the access road and follow this to Delano drive. Turn left on Delano Drive and then a quick left onto the Clear Creek Canal Trail to the finish line just past where you started your adventure!
This is the same route posted on the Bigfoot Adventure Challenge.
Orders placed now will not be shipped to you by the race date. Because the race is expected to be smaller we are using an on-demand company that will accept orders up until 5/13/24 and ship out in batches. So if you do the race and decide you want a shirt afterwards, come back here and place an order!